A Migrant & Seasonal Head Start Guide to Local Food Purchasing

Michigan State University
November 27, 2018

This guide is intended to help MSHS programs increase the amount of local foods they purchase and use for early care and education (ECE) programs serving children of migrant and seasonal farmworkers. Program providers can follow the step-by-step instructions and utilize the tools, which build upon each other, to help MSHS programs purchase and use more local foods in their food programs.

Additionally, state migrant childcare programs typically funded by the federal government and the state in which the program is located may benefit from this guide. Offering similar services as MSHS programs but with different eligibility requirements, state programs are open for varying lengths of time during the year, based on the agricultural season. Family childcare homes serve children of mixed ages in a home setting, some of whom may be migrant workers during the agricultural seasons. These programs receive out-of-pocket payments for childcare services or state funded daycare programs for low-income families.

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