Colorado Partners
- Nourish Colorado
- Healthy Community Food Systems
- Jefferson County Open School
- Mountain Roots Food Project
- Visit the LiveWell Colorado Website
- Chef Ann Foundation
- School Food Project
Colorado has seen incredible growth in local food procurement by k12 schools in particular, in preschool and k12 school gardens, and in food systems education across preK to higher education. Forty-two percent of our school districts report some farm to school activity, and half of those schools have school gardens. Links to current activities can be found at as well as the "Movement Map" on the Colorado Food Systems Digital Hub. Colorado has focused its efforts on providing both k12 schools and producers the tools to navigate food safety, contracts, geographic preference, group purchasing, and more to increase sustainable, profitable relationships between schools and farmers of all sizes. Strong emphasis has been placed on evaluation of such programs and sharing of best practices across peer groups and through such state entities as the Colorado Farm to School Task Force. Multiple state partners have focused on farm to school related legislation in recent years and they will continue to support farm to school at the state agency level.
Farm to Early Care and Education (ECE) Partners during ASPHN’s Farm to ECE Grant Program
- Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment, Farm to Child (Contact:
- CO Department of Early Childhood (Contact:
- Nourish Colorado (Contact: