National Farm to School Network 2017-2019 Strategic Plan

National Farm to School Network
May 16, 2017

The National Farm to School Network’s strategic plan for 2017-2019 accounts for the learning from the last decade of unprecedented growth and maturity of the farm to school movement, and recognizes the need for a more focused and targeted approach to programming and operations. The priority areas outlined in this plan are:

Priority 1: Expand and refine policy advocacy, programs and partnerships to institutionalize farm to school and ECE
Priority 2: Diversify revenue generation
Priority 3: Streamline organizational operations and activities for sustainability

This strategic planning process was initiated in June 2016 and completed in May 2017. Organizations serving as Regional Lead Agencies and State Leads through October 2016, Advisory Board members, national staff, external stakeholder groups and NFSN members were engaged in a combination of small group conversations, phone interviews, webinars, online surveys and an in-person discussions to support the development of this plan.

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