National Farm to School Network Theory of Change

National Farm to School Network
January 1, 2018

As a complement to the 2017-2019 Strategic Planning process, the National Farm to School Network (NFSN) undertook the development of an organizational Theory of Change. In general, a Theory of Change is a representation of how and why a complex change process will succeed under specific circumstances. NFSN’s aims for developing an organizational Theory of Change include: (1) creating a visual map and narrative of organizational outcomes and processes that depict how NFSN activities and interventions promote change and contribute to identified outcomes and (2) engaging in meaningful conversation around goals, priorities and approaches. The NFSN Theory of Change is intended to unite staff and partners around shared outcomes and facilitate organizational choices and decision making that align with the defined long term and ultimate outcomes. The NFSN Theory of Change is a living document that will be regularly referenced, reevaluated and refined.

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