Bringing the Farm to School:
Producer Resources

This information is intended for agricultural producers who participate in Bringing the Farm to School: Local Producer Trainings. The goal of the Bringing the Farm to School program is to build your capacity to sell to schools. Below are several key resources and links to additional information intended to help get you started.

Bringing the Farm to School was developed in partnership by USDA Food and Nutrition Services, the National Center for Appropriate Technology, and the National Farm to School Network.

Bringing the Farm to School: Agricultural Producers Toolkit

Producer Workbook

The Bringing the Farm to School: Producer Workbook is intended to be used by producers who participate in the Bringing the Farm to School: Local Producer Training or as a stand-alone resource for producers that want to get started selling to schools. The information, activities and resources in this workbook directly correlate with the Agricultural Producers' Toolkit training. Each module in this workbook covers a different aspect of selling local food products to schools.

Supplemental Resources

School Business Action Planning Guide
Use this guide to set goals and plans for accomplishing them as you work through the producer workbook. Note action planning is included throughout the Producer Workbook.

Producer Workbook Worksheets (Aquí en español)
This resource provides all the worksheets from the Producer Workbook in one place. It can be easier to work off of the worksheets in this document as you go through the training.

Case Studies

Explore case studies (in written, video, and podcast format) that highlight how farmers have applied key concepts on their own operations and how schools and distributors make local foods work. These case studies offer real-world examples of the concepts taught in the Local Producer Training.

Mock Producer Training

While we recommend going to an in-person training, this recorded playlist of all modules in the Agricultural Producers Toolkit is the next best thing! 

Have Questions?

Contact Tomas Delgado, NFSN Program Manager at or Tammy Howard, NCAT Agricultural Specialist at

This project has been funded in part by federal funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service through an agreement with the National Center for Appropriate Technology in partnership with the National Farm to School Network. The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. government.