Bringing the Farm to School:
Facilitator Resources

This information is intended for facilitators of Bringing the Farm to School: Local Producer Trainings. The Bringing the Farm to School training programs provides facilitators with multiple resources that can be used to plan and implement your Local Producer Training, including: Facilitator Guide, Planning & Outreach Guide, and Producer Workbook for the Bringing the Farm to School: Agricultural Producers' Toolkit curriculum.

These tools will be shared during the Regional Facilitator Workshops. Learn more about each of the tools below.

Bringing the Farm to School was developed in partnership by USDA Food and Nutrition Services, the National Center for Appropriate Technology, and the National Farm to School Network.

Professional development

Facilitator Guide

Bringing the Farm to School: Agricultural Producers' Toolkit

This guide will assist you in presenting the Bringing the Farm to School: Agricultural Producers' Toolkit as you facilitate your Local Producer Training. The Agricultural Producers' Toolkit training curriculum (included in Section 2 of this guide) is organized into four training modules. Each module includes presentation slide decks and detailed lesson plans with talking points, prompts, and activities you can use. Think of the Facilitator’s Guide as your starting place, and a resource of everything you need as a facilitator to review before and reference during your Local Producer Training.

Download Module Slide Decks:

Evaluation Guidance

Additional Resources

Planning & Outreach Guide

Bringing the Farm to School: Agricultural Producers' Toolkit

This guide contains planning tools and customizable materials to support preparation for your Bringing the Farm to School: Local Producer Training and outreach to producers. Think of the Planning and Outreach Guide as everything you need to plan, prepare and share before your training.

Download templates from the Planning & Outreach Guide here:

Producer Workbook

Bringing the Farm to School: Agricultural Producers' Toolkit

This Brining the Farm to School: Agricultural Producers' Toolkit workbook is to be used by producers during the Bringing the Farm to School: Local Producer Training. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the curriculum slide decks, to support producers in following along with and relating content back to their farm or operation. This workbook can be customize by choosing which worksheets best fit your audience and time allowance.

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This project has been funded in part by federal funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service through an agreement with the National Center for Appropriate Technology in partnership with the National Farm to School Network. The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. government.